Software development


Our competence in the Software development is proved permanently by successful finishing small and large scale projects. Our Clients certify us a high degree of competence and a straight forward approach to reach the customer´s goals.


The main focus of our work lies in the development of software for technical applications.


Der Schwerpunkt unserer Tätigkeit liegt in er Entwicklung technischer Software im industriellen Umfeld. Hierzu gehört die Entwicklung komplexer grafischer Bedienoberflächen unter Windows oder Linux genauso, wie Komponenten zur Signalverarbeitung unter Echtzeit oder die Vernetzung der Systemkomponenten über Bussysteme wie CAN, LAN oder Internet.


  • Development of graphical user Interfaces (GUI)

  • Embedded programming (Atmel, Microchip, ARM)

  • Sound and video applications

  • Signal processing

  • Real time systems

  • CAN communication

  • Networking (IOT)


Tools we are working with

Programming languages: C, C++, C#, Java

Development environments: Visual Studio, Eclipse

Operating systems: Windows, Linux, RTOS

Databases: mysql, Oracle

Version control: Subversion

Bug tracking: Mantis




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